viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014


Hello my friends! today we are going to explain lens basics, hope you like it.

And here is the presentation of Marina and Nerea!

Marina and Nerea's Lens Basics

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

7. Glossary of lighting terms

Ambient Light: Luz ambiente
Artificial light: Luz artificial
Back light: Contraluz
Black Wrap: Viseras
Broad: Luz de relleno
C-47: Pinzas
Cameo Lighting: Luz de seguimiento
Color Temperature: Temperatura de color
Diffused light: Luz difusa
Directional light: Luz direccional
Fill light: Luz de relleno
Flat lighting: Luz plana
Highkey and Lowkey: Clave alta y Clave baja
Incident light: Luz incidente
Kelvin Temperature: Temperatura Kelvin
Key light: Luz principal
Kick: Rebote (luz rebotada)
Lux: Lux
Motivated Lighting: Luz motivada
Noir: Luz dura
Natural light: Luz natural
Obie: Antorcha
Quartz: Cuarzo
Rim: Silueta
Scrim Lighting: Rejilla
Silk: Seda
Spill Light: Luz rebotada
Spotlight: Luz puntual
